Enviable Entryways

We moved in to our new home last week and after the gigantic task of arranging all those most essential stuff, I am finally back here. I haven't discussed our new home here much because I was waiting for this right moment, right post all this while - which I wasn't sure when and how. But anyways, settlement is done, we moved and all is well and I can finally share the news here. I loved our rental home for past 5 years a ton even though it wasn't ours - so it is a given that this one will be loved and cherished every single moment. Do stay tuned for more and more painful details and boatload of pictures.

While we are settling down, I am thinking of our foyer and those around the internet that inspire me . I am still trying to figure out what exactly makes some homes instantly inviting. But I am pretty sure of what I want anyone entering our home feel from the very first moment that they step inside - warm, happy, loved and cherished - with an anticipation of meaningful conversations, laughter, stories and memories. Those are the exact vibes some of these foyers that I have saved in my Pinterest feed over time sent out.

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What do you think? Do you have a formal foyer ? What are the functions and emotions that you want your foyer to convey ? I would love to hear your thoughts and that inspire you :-)

P.S : Please do pin from original sources :-)


  1. Beautiful collection! How I long for a formal foyer! One day ;-)

    1. Thank you Neelam - yes one day :-) and you can decorate the hell out of it :-)

  2. Congratulations on your new home !!
