If you are a reader here for a while, you already know this. I am a stay at home and a homemaker for past few years. I am also an avid crafter/maker and I love decorating my home and blogging about it. As much as I adore blogging I don't consider it as a job or business. It is a passion.

But to be honest this passion is also work. Those who blog know that I am understating it when I say it is a lot of work. And it is also a passion that is fuelled by validation too. Yes, I mean it when I say it. It is incredibly encouraging to have your work noted, being able to talk about it. I think it is with like any other job, though with regular job it is so subtle and common to be part of a team that no one stops for these thoughts.

I must say I like the comfort of calm and peace while I write or make. A place where I could shut down all the noise around me, which is also a dream but for a few hours since I have a little girl. But I didn't take that thought seriously until I came across WeWork, a co-working company with an incredible thought and mission. They strive to create co-working spaces and an inspiring community for freelancers who can rent an office space with all necessary services (food and coffee included) on a monthly subscription basis. You can meet like minded peers and interact and feel the force of community if you choose to do so. A creative space to work and the feel of community, both something all freelancers and makers like me crave for. Interesting isn't it?

So on to the work space "the inspired me" created -

To be honest, it is a basic space though it has all the minimum necessities to function as a creative space. A desk, a comfortable chair, storage, colors for inspiration, knick knacks for decor and simple tools for an organised space.

I have tried to pretty up the shelves and pair down my belongings so that the place and shelves don't look or feel cluttered. It also gives space to grow as and when I need more storage.

There are a number of things I want to add to the space -  more artwork, a DIY Calendar etc. Stay tuned for them.

So how do you feel? Would you be thrilled to join a community that believe in empowering their team to create their own life's work and look after each other and care about the work and welfare of the team?

This post is inspired by WeWork, a co-working company. Please check out the details HERE. Interestingly among the offices they have in almost all the major cities in US and around the world , we have three centres in Washington DC,  here they are. That point is especially interesting for me - a DC girl.



  1. Such a cute work space, Anima! :) I love how cheerful and happy it is... especially those cork coasters you used on the walls and the lady bug rug. Sorry, I didn't get a chance to meet up while I was in D.C. but maybe next time :)

    1. No probs Reshma. Thank you for the compliment on the room. It is happy indeed. Someone little here doesn't leave the room now! .

      We shall meet sometime - no worries :-)

  2. Oh what a charming and cheery work space! I think it's really important to have a place that feels good and is supportive. And while I quite enjoy working alone, I do sometimes think about how interesting a co-working space might be. I've not heard of WeWork before, but checking out their site I see they have a couple of locations where I'm at as well.

    1. Hey Deborah, thank you for stopping by. Yes me too, I like the calm and quiet but sometimes you just need that human contact and conversations .

  3. Bright and colourful.... Nice dearie... Am proud of u....

  4. Hi Anima,

    Love your space - and your blog idea! Fun stuff. Your choice of books could just as easily be sitting on my own book shelf. :)

    1. Thanks Amy, talking of books, there are Aton new on the block . I am so far behind. Home for Now and young house love do have very interesting and budget friendly projects .

  5. Beautiful space! It is so spotless and fresh!

    1. Thank you so much Sridevi.Its definitely feels fresh.

  6. Hey Anima, You did a mind blowing job and your workspace is stylish and comfortable for work. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  7. This workspace is beautiful! I love the pops of color and the mix of minimalist furniture with bright decor. Looks like a great space to create in. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you for the kind words Haley, they keep me motivated. Yes indeed it is a great space to work, more than me my little girl spends her time at the desk these days
